of Col. Joseph B. Dodge, Thirtieth Indiana Infantry, Reports of
Maj. Gen. Alexander McD. McCook, U. S. Army, Commanding Right Wing.
26, 1862-January 5, 1863.--The Stone's River or Murfreesborough,
Tenn., Campaign. O.R.-- SERIES I--VOLUME XX/1 [S# 29]
HEADQUARTERS RIGHT WING, One mile in advance of Nolensville, December
27, 1862
I am here with my wing in camp. There is very strong ground in front
of my main camp. I have all the crests heavily defended. The enemy
resisted my advance all day with cavalry and artillery. My casualties
are very few. The One hundred and first Ohio charged one battery,
and captured one gun and caisson, with teams. The men in glorious
spirits, and only want a chance. Negley is here with his division.
General Thomas sent a courier here; states that he is somewhere
on the Wilson pike. Hardee had a dance given him at Triune last
McD. McCOOK, Major-general.
The fog is so thick in these hills that I cannot see 300 yards in
my front. I have ordered a halt until the fog rises. The enemy have
resisted our advance for 3 miles this morning, and have a battery
posted on the hill in front to enfilade the road. One brigade of
the enemy in Triune; the other troops scattered on the Shelbyville
McD. McCOOK, Major-General.
S.--The firing you hear is the enemy's battery. I will apprise you
when I move forward. Can do nothing intelligently now.
HEADQUARTERS, Near Triune, December 27, 1862--3 p.m.
THOMAS, Commanding Center.
The enemy, under Hardee, escaped me this morning in the fog; at
times I could not see more than 50 yards. I had reliable information
that Hardee was here in person, and that his army lay in line of
battle last night. I have yet to pursue them 6 miles before I can
well determine whether they have retreated toward Murfreesborough
or Shelbyville. Every prisoner I have taken has contradictory statements
as to their destination. I will know to-night.
McD. McCOOK, Major-General.
December 27, 1862--3 p.m.
GARESCHÉ, Chief of Staff.
Hardee escaped me during the fog to-day. Some reports say he left
last night; others, to-day. Our prisoners tell contradictory stories
about them. They had two divisions here. I am pursuing with one
division, and Stanley has started with his cavalry in pursuit. I
will know and promptly inform you what road they have taken. It
will be necessary for me to pursue 6 miles on the Shelbyville road
to determine upon what road they have marched. From College Grove
there is a dirt road running 4 miles and intersecting the Salem
pike. My cavalry are all raw, but have done well to-day. General
Rousseau's division did not get up until 12 m. to-day. The weather
horrid. Captain Long will explain.the country to you.
McD. McCOOK, Major-General.
Camp, Two and a half miles south of Murfreesborough, Tenn., January
8, 1863.
C. GODDARD, Chief of Staff, Fourteenth Army Corps.
In compliance with telegraphic orders from the general commanding,
received at my camp, on Mill Creek, 5 miles south of Nashville,
at 4.30 a.m., on the morning of December 26, 1862, I put the right
wing of the Fourteenth Army Corps in motion toward Nolensville,
Tenn. The First Division, Brig. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis commanding,
marched at 6 a.m. upon the Edmondson pike, with orders to move upon
that road to Prim's blacksmith-shop, from whence it was to march
direct by a country road to Nolensville.
Third division, Brig. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan commanding, also marched
at 6 a.m., and upon the direct road to Nolensville. The Second Division,
Brig. Gen. R. W. Johnson commanding (the reserve of the right wing),
followed the Third Division upon the direct road.
advance guards of Generals Davis' and Sheridan's columns encountered
the enemy's cavalry about 2 miles beyond our picket line. There
was continuous skirmishing with the enemy until the heads of these
columns reached Nolensville.
1 mile beyond the town the enemy made a determined stand, in a defile
and upon a range of hills that cross the turnpike at this point,
lining the slopes with skirmishers and placing a six-gun battery
on a commanding position, endeavoring to repel our advance. He was
attacked in front and his position handsomely turned by General
Carlin's brigade, of Davis' division, capturing one piece of his
artillery and several prisoners. After taking possession of the
defile and hills, the command was encamped.
the night of this day, I was visited by the general commanding,
who gave me verbal orders to move forward in the morning to Triune,
7 miles distant, and attack Hardee's corps, supposed to be quartered
at that place. At this camp I was joined by Brig. Gen. D. S. Stanley,
chief of cavalry, with the First and Second Tennessee Regiments,
and the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
were made to move forward at daylight, the cavalry under General
Stanley in the advance, followed by the Second Division, under General
Johnson. It having rained all the day previous and the entire night,
there was a dense fog, which prevented us from seeing 150 yards
in any direction. The column having moved about 2 miles to the front,
they again encountered the enemy, consisting of cavalry, infantry,
and artillery. The fog at this time being so thick that friend could
not be distinguished from foe, and our cavalry having been fired
upon by our infantry skirmishers, on the flanks, the enemy being
conversant with the ground, my troops strangers to it, and from
prisoners captured having learned that Hardee's corps had been in
line of battle since the night before, I did not deem it prudent
to advance until the fog lifted, and I ordered the command to halt
until the work could be done understandingly.
fog having lifted at 1 p.m., an advance was immediately ordered,
driving the enemy's cavalry before us.
nearing Triune, we found that the main portion of their forces had
retired, leaving a battery of six pieces, supported by cavalry,
to contest the crossing of Nelson's Creek, which has steep and bluff
banks. The enemy having destroyed the bridge, it was with difficulty
that artillery could be crossed. On the approach of our skirmishers,
the battery, with the cavalry, took flight down the Eagleville road.
It now being nearly dark, and a severe and driving rain-storm blowing,
they were pursued no farther.
division crossed and encamped beyond Nelson's Creek, repairing the
destroyed bridge.
the morning of the 28th instant I ordered out a strong reconnaissance,
under Brigadier-General Willich, to learn whether the enemy had
retired to Shelbyville or Murfreesborough. Pursuing 7 miles down
the Shelbyville road, it was found that the enemy had turned to
the left, having taken a dirt road which led into the Salem pike,
thence to Murfreesborough.
the Third Brigade of Johnson's division at Triune, I marched, on
the 29th, with my command on the Bole Jack road toward Murfreesborough.
The road being a very bad one, the command did not reach Wilkinson's
Cross-Roads (5 miles from Murfreesborough) until late in the evening.
command was encamped in line of battle; Sheridan's division on the
left of Wilkinson's pike; Davis' division on right of same road;
Woodruff's brigade guarding the bridge over Overall's Creek; the
two brigades of Johnson's division watching the right.
that evening, believing that the enemy intended giving our army
battle at or near Murfreesborough, I ordered the brigade left at
Triune to join the command without delay, which it did on the 30th.
1 o'clock on the morning of the 30th I received an order from General
Rosecrans to report in person at his headquarters, on the Murfreesborough
pike, and arrived there at 3.30 a.m. I received my instructions,
which were that the left of my line should rest on the right of
General Negley's division, and my right was to be thrown forward
until it became parallel, or nearly so, with Stone's River, the
extreme right to rest on or near the Franklin road.
entire command advanced at 9.30 a.m., Sheridan's division moving
down the Wilkinson turnpike until its advance encountered the enemy's
pickets. The line of battle was then formed, the left of Sheridan's
division resting upon the Wilkinson pike and immediately upon General
Negley's right; the remainder of Sheridan's division was deployed
to the right, the line running in a southeasterly direction. Davis'
division, which had already been deployed, moved up, his left resting
upon Sheridan's right, Johnson's division being held in reserve.
Our front was covered with a strong line of skirmishers, who soon
became sharply engaged with the enemy's sharpshooters and skirmishers.
The line moved forward but slowly, as the enemy contested stubbornly
every inch of ground gained by us. The ground was very favorable
to them; they were under cover of a heavy wood and cedar thicket.
12 m. on the 30th the house of a Mr. Harding came within our lines.
From that point I ascertained where the enemy's line of battle was,
our skirmishers being then about 500 yards from it. The right, under
General Davis, moved handsomely, but slowly, into position, as the
ground over which he had to march was hotly contested by the enemy's
1 p.m. word was sent to General D. S. Stanley, chief of cavalry,
that Colonel Zahm, commanding three regiments of cavalry on my right
flank, was hard pressed by a superior force. I ordered one brigade
of my reserve division to report to General Stanley, who conducted
it to the Franklin road. On his approach the enemy, pressing Colonel
Zahm, retired, and the brigade was ordered back to its former position.
2 p.m. a citizen living on the Franklin road, and about one-half
mile in front of the enemy's line of battle, was sent me under guard
by General Stanley. He reported as follows: I was up to the enemy's
line of battle twice yesterday and once this morning, to get some
stock, taken from me. The enemy's troops are posted in the following
manner: The right of Cheatham's division rests on the Wilkinson
pike; Withers is on Cheatham's left, with his left resting on the
Franklin road; Hardee's corps is entirely beyond that road, and
his left extending toward the Salem pike
This man was sent immediately to the general commanding, and subsequently
returned to me, with the report that his information had been received.
I also sent a report to the general commanding by my aide-de-camp,
Capt. Horace N. Fisher, that the right of my line rested directly
in front of the enemy's center. This made me anxious for my right.
All my division commanders were immediately informed of this fact,
and two brigades of the reserve division, commanded, respectively,
by Generals Willich and Kirk, two of the best and most experienced
brigadiers in the army, were ordered to the right of my line, to
protect the right flank and guard against surprise there. At 6 p.m.
I received an order from the general commanding to have large and
extended camp-fires made on my right, to deceive the enemy, making
them believe that we were massing troops there. This order was communicated
to General Stanley, commanding cavalry, and carried into execution
by Maj. R. H. Nodine, Twenty-fifth Illinois, engineer officer of
my staff.
the evening of the 30th, the order of battle was nearly parallel
with that of the enemy, my right slightly refused, and my line of
battle in two lines. Two brigades of the reserve re-enforced the
right of the line, and the Third Brigade, of the reserve, was posted
in column about 800 yards in rear of the right.
the evening of the 30th, Sheridan's left rested on the Wilkinson
road, on the right of Negley's division, and the line then ran in
a southeasterly direction through an open wood; thence in front
of and partly through a cedar thicket, until General Davis' right
rested near the Franklin road. Kirk's brigade was on Davis' right,
Willich's brigade placed on a line nearly perpendicular to the main
line, forming a crotchet to the rear, to avoid the possibility of
my right being turned by anything like an equal force. My line was
a strong one, open ground in front for a short distance.
instructions for the following day were received at about 6.30 p.m.
on the 30th, which were as follows: Take a strong position; if the
enemy attacks you, fall back slowly, refusing your right, contesting
the ground inch by inch. If the enemy does not attack you, will
attack him, not vigorously, but warmly; the time of attack by you
(General McCook) to be designated by the general commanding.
was also informed that Crittenden's corps would move simultaneously
with my attack into Murfreesborough. Written instructions were sent
by me to each division commander on the night of the 30th, explaining
to each what would be required of them on the 31st.
about 6.30 a.m., on the 31st, a determined and heavy attack was
made upon Kirk's and Willich's brigades, on the extreme right. They
were attacked by such an overwhelming force that they were compelled
to fall back. General Kirk being seriously wounded at the first
fire upon his main line, General Willich having his horse killed
early in the action, and he falling into the hands of the enemy,
the two brigades were deprived of their immediate commanders, and
gave way in confusion. Colonel Post's brigade, on the right of Davis'
division, and, in fact, my entire line to Sheridan's left, was almost
simultaneously attacked by a heavy force of the enemy. The attack
in front of Davis and Sheridan was repulsed several times, and had
not the heavy turning columns of the enemy on my right succeeded
so well, my line could have been maintained, and the enemy driven
back to his barricades, which extended from the Wilkinson pike,
with but a short interval, three-fourths of a mile beyond the Franklin
road. General Sheridan's division was ably maneuvered by him, under
my own eye. As soon as it became evident that my lines would be
compelled to give way, orders were given to reform my line in the
first skirt of timber in rear of my first position. The enemy advancing
so rapidly upon my right, I found this impossible, and changed the
point of reforming my line to the high ground in rear of the Wilkinson
pike. Moving to the left of my line, and in rear of Sheridan's division,
I here met General Rousseau in a cedar wood, posting his division
to repel the attack. I then ordered my line to fall still farther
back, and form on the right of Rousseau. I gave General Johnson
orders, in person, to form his division in rear of Rousseau. Rousseau's
division having been withdrawn to the open ground in rear of the
cedar woods, the last position became untenable, and my troops were
retired to the Nashville pike, where my wing, except Schaefer's
brigade, of Sheridan's division, was reassembled and replenished
with ammunition. On arrival at the pike, I found Colonel Harker's
brigade, of Wood's division, retiring before a heavy force of the
enemy. I immediately ordered Roberts' brigade, of Sheridan's division,
to advance into a cedar wood, and charge the enemy and drive him
back. Although this brigade was much reduced in numbers, and having
but two rounds of cartridges, it advanced to the charge, under the
gallant Colonel Bradley, driving the enemy back with the bayonet,
capturing two guns and 40 prisoners, and securing our communication
on the Murfreesborough pike at this point. This brigade is composed
of the Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Forty-second, and Fifty-first
Illinois Volunteers. The Twenty-seventh particularly distinguished
11 a.m., Col. Moses B. Walker's brigade arrived upon the field,
and reported to me for duty. They were assigned to General Sheridan's
command, to whose report I refer for the good conduct of his brigade.
the afternoon of the 31st, the right wing assumed a strong position,
its left, composed of Walker's brigade, resting near a commanding
knoll, its line running nearly northwest along the slope of a ridge,
covered with cedar growth, the right resting upon the Murfreesborough
pike. On the slope strong barricades were erected, which could well
have been defended by single lines. The second line and Gibson's
brigade date Willich's) was used as a reserve. The right wing, excepting
Davis' division and Gibson's brigade, did not participate in any
general engagement after the 31st.
was constant skirmishing in my front until the night of the 3d.
On the 4th, the enemy left his position in front of the right, and
evacuated Murfreesborough on the night of the same day.
the 6th, the right wing marched to its present camp, 2 miles south
of Murfreesborough, on the Shelbyville pike.
reports of Generals Johnson, Davis, and Sheridan, division commanders,
are herewith inclosed. Accompanying General Johnson's report you
will find the reports of the brigade, regimental, and battery commanders,
carefully prepared.
have been thus particular, on account of the commanding general's
dispatch to the General-in-Chief, and also from erroneous reports
sent to the public by newspaper correspondents.
attention of the general commanding is particularly called to Colonels
Gibson and Dodge; also to Lieutenant-Colonel Jones' report, who
commanded the pickets in front of Willich's brigade.
Edgarton, commanding battery of Kirk's brigade, certainly was guilty
of a grave error in taking even a part of his horses to water at
such an hour. He is in the hands of the enemy; therefore no report
can be had from him at present.
strict compliance with my orders, and the knowledge I possessed
of the position of the enemy, which was communicated to my superior,
also to the generals under my command, I could not have made a better
disposition of my troops.
subsequent examination of the field, I found the statements of the
citizen, referred to in my report, correct, as the barricades extended
fully three-fourths of a mile beyond the Franklin road.
am well satisfied that Hardee's corps, supported by McCown's division
(late of Kirby Smith's corps), attacked Kirk's and Willich's brigades.
About the same time Withers' division attacked Davis, and Cheat-ham's
division attacked Sheridan. Cheatham's and Withers' divisions composed
General Polk's corps. I was in the rear of the center of my line
when this attack commenced; therefore I did not see all the column
that attacked and turned my right; but it can be safely estimated
that the rebel force outnumbered ours three to one. After leaving
my line of battle, the ground in rear was, first, open fields; second,
woods; then a dense cedar thicket; and over such ground it was almost
impossible for troops to retire in good order, particularly when
assailed by superior numbers.
ammunition train, under the charge of my efficient ordnance officer,
Capt. Gates P. Thruston, First Ohio Volunteers, was at an early
hour ordered to take a position in rear of the center of my line.
It was there attacked by the enemy's cavalry, which was handsomely
repulsed by a detachment of cavalry, under the direction of Capt.
H. Pease, of General Davis' staff, and Capt. G. P. Thruston, ordnance
officer. The train was conducted safely to the Nashville pike, Captain
Thruston cutting a road through the cedar wood for the passage of
the train.
Brig. Gens. R. W. Johnson, Philip H. Sheridan, and Jefferson C.
Davis I return my thanks for their gallant conduct upon the days
of the battles, and for their prompt support and conscientious attention
to duty during their service in the right wing. I commend them to
my superiors and my country.
Brig. Gen. D. S. Stanley, chief of cavalry, my thanks are particularly
due. He commanded my advance from Nolensville and directed the cavalry
on my right flank. A report of the valuable services of our cavalry
will be furnished by General Stanley. I commend him to my superiors
and my country.
the particular instances of good conduct of individuals, I refer
you to the reports of division commanders.
cannot refrain from again calling the attention of my superiors
to the conspicuous gallantry and untiring zeal of Col. W. H. Gibson,
of the Forty-ninth Ohio Volunteers. He succeeded to the command
of Willich's brigade, and was ever prompt to dash upon the enemy
with his gallant brigade when opportunity permitted. I have repeatedly
recommended him for promotion. He has again won additional claims
to his reward.
Harker, commanding a brigade of Wood's division, performed gallant
service, under my supervision, as also did Colonel Fyffe, of the
Fifty-ninth Ohio. They are commended to my superiors.
my staff, Lieut. Col. E. Bassett Langdon, inspector-general; Maj.
R. H. Nodine, engineer officer; Maj. J. A. Campbell, assistant adjutant-general;
Capt. Gates P. Thruston, ordnance officer; Capt. B. D. Williams,
aide-de-camp; Capt. J. F. Boyd, assistant quartermaster; Capt. Orris
Blake, provost-marshal; Maj. Caleb Bates, volunteer aide-de-camp,
and Capt. Horace N. Fisher, volunteer aide-de-camp and topographical
engineer, my thanks are due for their conspicuous gallantry and
intelligence on the field. My escort, under command of Lieutenant
Thickstun, Second Kentucky Cavalry, and my orderlies behaved gallantly.
When my horse was shot, Orderly Cook, of the Second Indiana, promptly
replaced him with his own. The officers of the Signal Corps were
ever ready to perform any service in their line or as aides.
report of Surg. C. McDermont, the medical director of the right
wing, is also submitted. Surgeon McDermont's gallantry on the field,
and his great care for the wounded, is worthy of great praise. My
entire medical corps behaved nobly, except Asst. Surg. W. S. Fish,
of the Third Indiana Cavalry, who fled to Nashville. He is recommended
for dismissal.
casualties of my wing are 542 killed and 2,334 wounded.
nation is again called to mourn the loss of gallant spirits who
fell upon this sanguinary field. First of these, Brig. Gen. J. W.
Sill, commanding First Brigade, Third Division. He was noble, conscientious
in the discharge of every duty, and brave to a fault. He had no
ambition save to serve his country. He died a Christian soldier,
in the act of repulsing the enemy.
names as Roberts, Schaefer, Harrington, Stem, Williams, Read, Housum,
Drake, Wooster, and McKee, all field officers, and many other commissioned
officers of the right wing, who fell vindicating their flag, will
never be forgotten by a grateful country.
lists of the killed and wounded will be furnished from each regiment.
There will be a map of the field sent forward to-morrow.
of which is respectfully submitted.
of Volunteers, Commanding Right Wing.
